Ivan tea with chamomile

5.90 30 gr.

Ivan-tea, chamomile
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Fireweed tea with chamomile from Stolbushino is a herbal drink that is created by mixing dried leaves of fireweed (or fireweed) with chamomile flowers. This tea has a special taste and aroma that combines herbal notes and the sweetness of chamomile. Each of the components, fireweed and chamomile, has its own unique properties and beneficial effects on the body. Ivan tea is known for its vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can help strengthen the immune system and promote overall well-being. Chamomile, in turn, has a calming effect and helps relax the nervous system, making this drink ideal for drinking in the evening before bed or during stressful periods. Ivan tea with chamomile can be prepared as either a hot or cold drink, depending on consumer preferences. Usually, to prepare the drink, dry leaves and flowers are poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes to allow the aroma and taste to come out well. Then you can strain the drink and enjoy its taste. Ivan tea with chamomile is not only a pleasant-tasting drink, but also a valuable product with beneficial properties for health and well-being.
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