Herbal mixture number 20

5.90 50 gr.

Sabelnik, lingonberry leaf, horsetail, meadowsweet, fireweed, elecampane
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Herbal collection number 20 for antipyretic action and restoration of the body's water-salt balance is a unique combination of medicinal herbs designed to help cope with fever and support the body during illness. Its components, such as cinquefoil, horsetail, St. John's wort, elecampane, have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, helping to reduce body temperature, remove toxins and restore normal levels of moisture and salts in the body. This tea helps alleviate illness by relieving fever and discomfort, and also promotes overall health, strengthening the immune system and preventing relapses of diseases. An ideal choice for those who value natural health benefits, Herbal No. 20 provides an effective and safe solution during times of illness, helping the body return to a healthy state and maintain it for many years to come.
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