Ivan tea with mint

5.90 30 gr.

fireweed, mint
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Ivan tea from the Stolbushino company is grown and collected in environmentally friendly areas, which guarantees its natural purity and quality. The combination of herbal tea with mint adds freshness and aroma to the drink. The process of mixing and packaging Stolbushino products is usually carried out in compliance with high standards, which ensures the preservation of the taste and beneficial properties of tea. Ivan tea with mint from Stolbushino can be either a cozy and warm drink during the cold season, or a refreshing and refreshing option on hot days. In addition, it has many beneficial properties, including tonic and anti-inflammatory effects, due to the content of valuable substances in the composition of fireweed and mint. Thus, fireweed tea with mint from the Stolbushino company is a high-quality and tasty drink that will delight tea lovers with its rich taste and aroma, as well as beneficial properties.
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