Herbal tea number 2

5.90 50 gr.

Thyme, St. John's wort, currant leaf, raspberry leaf
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Herbal collection number 2 to activate the immune system and improve tone is a specially selected combination of medicinal herbs aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and increasing energy. It contains plants such as thyme, St. John's wort, currants, raspberries, which are known for their immunomodulatory and tonic properties. Thyme and St. John's wort contain beneficial substances that help the body fight infections and strengthen the immune system. Currants and raspberries have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help protect cells from damage and improve overall health. Herbal No. 2 helps activate the immune system, increase vitality and energy, and improve overall health and well-being. Regular consumption of this tea will help strengthen the body and protect it from various diseases, maintaining activity and vitality throughout the day.
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